Knihy > Vojenstvo, military > PANZERWRECKS > Panzerwrecks Publishing > Fotos from the Panzertruppen - The Early Years

Fotos from the Panzertruppen - The Early Years

Vaša cena: 11,99 €
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Informácie o titule:
Počet stránPočet strán:64
VäzbaVäzba:mäkká (brožovaná)
Rozmery - šírkaRozmery:280
Rozmery - výškaRozmery:210
Voliteľný stavVoliteľný stav:Titul je vypredaný
Rok vydaniaRok vydania:2008

Popis titulu

Do you like the big photos in Panzerwrecks? If you do, you will love this 64 page book from the same authors using images taken by German servicemen. All of the photos are from veterans' collections and photo albums, and most from the authors' collections. 77 photographs bristling with detail and inspiration for model makers and historians alike are accompanied by detailed and insightful captions. Technical assistance has been provided by Thomas Jentz of Panzer Tracts. For this first volume we are pleased to be able to show our readers images of the very rare Pz.Kpfw.IV with 'Vorpanzer' on the turret among many many other things. Cyber Hobby kit 6512, Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.D "Vorpanzer" has decals for one of the vehicles shown in this book. 


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